[crm] Here is my subject

The following is example output from my WordPress/Linux CLI Notes Engine Project.

# This is an example of my WordPress/Linux CLI Notes Engine output.
# Its reference can be found https://troys.io/wordpress-linux-cli-notes-engine
# Initial title was "Private: [crm] Here is my subject" because its default posts are private.  I've changed it to public within WordPress so you can see this example.
# Enjoy
sudo postconf -e "home_mailbox = Maildir/"
sudo postconf -e "mailbox_command = "
sudo systemctl restart postfix
ls -al
cd /home/troy
ls -al
ls -al Maildir
mail troy
ls -al Maildir
tail -f /var/log/mail.log
dpkg-reconfigure postfix
systemctl restart postfix
tail -f /var/log/mail.log
cd /etc/postfix
ls -al
vi main.cf
vi /etc/aliases
systemctl restart postfix
cat /var/log/commands.log | sed 's/ .$//'
cat /var/log/commands.log | sed 's/ .*$//'
cat /var/log/commands.log | sed 's/\.[^\.]*$//'
cat /var/log/commands.log
cat /var/log/commands.log | sed 's/\ [^\ ]*$//'
# Test this line ########
# Test this line ##### ##
# Test this line $%(^)%1!
cat /var/log/commands.log | sed 's/\ [^\ ]*$//'
cat /var/log/commands.log
vi /usr/bin/troysio
cp /usr/bin/troysio /usr/bin/troysio-redact
vi /usr/bin/troysio
troysio "testing last word chop"
vi /usr/bin/troysio
cat /var/log/commands.log | cut -d':' --complement -s -f1,2,3,4
vi /usr/bin/troysio
vi /usr/bin/troysio-redact
troysio "testing new cut"
cat /var/log/commands.log | cut -d':' --complement -s -f1,2,3,4
vi /usr/bin/troysio
vi /usr/bin/troysio-redact
troysio "testing new cut"
troysio uniq
vi /usr/bin/troysio
troysio uniq
troysio | uniq
vi /usr/bin/troysio
vi /usr/bin/troysio-redact
troysio "testing uniq"
vi /usr/bin/troysio
troysio "testing uniq"
cat -A /var/log/commands.log
cp /usr/bin/troysio /usr/bin/troysio-test
vi /usr/bin/troysio-test
troysio-test | cat -A
troysio-test | sub(/\r$/,"") | cat -A
troysio-test | cat -A
# Here is an example of a manual note on the command line.
# Hope you enjoy your note taking helper.
# Cheers.
troysio "here is my subject"
# WordPress post made with above command with title [crm] < host and "here is my subject" on the title of post.
# Joy


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