Author: Troy Perkins
Installing Wireguard on OpenWRT Routers
Via the command line on your OpenWRT Router. Generate your keys. [/brett don’t update my notes here]
WordPress/Linux Bash CLI Notes Engine Facility
I created this process to improve my record keeping while working on a Linux bash shell. It allows for one to take notes while on the command line as well as publish to WordPress for tidy and organized record keeping. Features: Posts logs to WordPress from any Linux hosts. Log all CLI commands to syslog…
Chop everything after last delimiter on each line in a file using sed
In this case, a space is the delimiter. In this case a : is the delimiter. In this case a , is the delimiter.
Relocate your WP website
Move your WordPress website anywhere in 10 minutes via an SSH shell with access to your website files directory and database. Current URL: Where to: Or, complete URL change, it doesn’t matter using this method. Export your WordPress database. Now bust out a little sed. Now import your db sed edits. Now move…
Send CLI commands to syslog
Create a CLI command syslog service Set global .bashrc shells to log vi /etc/bash.bashrc To test new configuration: Either log out and log back into your shell. Or source bashrc with the command Or start a new shell with the command Type a few commands… then
Flash OpenWRT to RouterBoard
# No dhcpd or tftpd, no problem. Load OpenWRT firmware on Mikrotik RouterBoards the easy way using dnsmasq. Open two bash shell windows. In the 1st window execute the following and create your loader file: # FIRST BASH SHELL WINDOW # Create your file # Make it executable. # Ensure both your desired initram…
Linux VR: A whole new world
Safespaces and Linux will lead this space, mark my words. If you think Facebooks Oculus is cool, this is where not just entertainment is going – but the workplace as well. If you’re upset with today’s society of detached youth in public places staring at their mobile phones, VR Goggles are the next wave. Feeling…